YEG Academy established a collaboration with MAHSA University in overcoming unemployment through the field of nursing.

The Chief Operating Officer of YEG Academy, Mohamad Fikri Hasbi, said that the approach was taken following the high demand for nurses not only in this country but also abroad by guaranteeing income to prospective graduates.

He said, this further avoids the attitude of a few individuals who do not continue their studies after completing the Malaysian Certificate of Education (SPM).

“The issue of unemployed graduates is not 100 percent due to the wrong graduates, rather the chosen program (while studying at university) does not have a job appointment upon graduation.

“After all, nursing is not an ordinary field because it can generate high incomes including working abroad. This indirectly changes the public’s perception of nursing education and careers,” he told reporters today.

Earlier, he signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for the MaHSTECH nursing program with MAHSA University which was represented by the Senior Academic Director and Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Nursing and Education, Prof. Dr. Veronica Chua Poh Choo.

Mohamad Fikri added that a total of 400 individuals will be selected to be the pioneers of the program starting this April using only the test results and SPM certificates.

“This program promises employment and whoever is selected will get a scholarship from the four hospitals that have collaborated with MAHSA University, namely Thompson Hospital, ICG Healthcare, Hospital Pakar Regency Johor Baharu and KPJ Healthcare Bhd.

“So, when they leave they will continue to get or be placed in a job at the hospital,” he explained.

Meanwhile, Veronica said, the entry requirements for the nursing diploma level are to pass five credits, namely Bahasa Malaysia, Science, Mathematics, English and History, while for the Bachelor’s degree, you must have two years of experience.

“After the Covid-19 pandemic, many industries have been affected but not in the field of nurses who need energy every year to meet the demands of the hospital sector including in Singapore and Dubai (United Arab Emirates).

“Nurses among men in particular are very high in the market and are very much needed because they have more power considering that the field of nursing requires energy in caring for patients,” he said.